Our great offer
Back to Basics Bundle + Private Consultation
Includes 6 back to basics modules: Step-up, Go Home, Enter a Carrier Willingly, Drop it, Taking Medication from a Syringe and Weigh Ins PLUS a 30 minute consultation with one of our instructors.
In addition to these modules you will learn the basics of marker based training, target training and body language.
In addition to these modules you will learn the basics of marker based training, target training and body language.
Learning Goals:
Learn the basics of marker-based training, including how to choose and use a marker, how to pair it with a reward, and how to apply it to different training scenarios.
Develop the ability to read parrot body language and recognize signs of stress or discomfort during training.
Learn how to teach a parrot to go back to their cage, drop an object on cue, and go into a carrier using positive reinforcement techniques.
Understand how to train a parrot to step up onto your hand or a perch, and how to weigh them on a scale.
Learn how to administer medicine to a parrot using a syringe, while minimizing stress and discomfort.
Understand the basics of target training, and how to use it to train a variety of behaviours.
Lesson series